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George Foreman
George Foreman

George Foreman

January 10, 1949(75 years old)
Marshall, Texas,SUA

His most notable fights in his early career were his knockout (TKO-2) against Joe Frazier in Kingston, Jamaica, on January 22, 1973 and his loss to Muhammad Ali (KO by 8) in "The Rumble in the Jungle" in Kinshasa, Zaire, on October 30, 1974. He later became the oldest man ever to become heavyweight boxing champion of the world when at age 45, he knocked out (KO-10) Michael Moorer, age 26, on November 5, 1994 to reclaim the title he held more than 20 years earlier. He has been named one of the 25 greatest fighters of all time by Ring magazine. He is now a successful businessman and an ordained Christian minister who has his own church.

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Foreman is ranked #9 on Ring magazine's list of "100 greatest punchers of all time". He is also well-known for the eponymous George Foreman Grill.


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